Redefining Passion
PASSION, a seven lettered word is only a word for the general. This can be the seven attributes of life from my perspective. It defines the way one should live its life.
The first one is the Purpose. This tells one should have a definite purpose in life, for which someone has come to the earth. That may be studying, playing or doing any useful work. Without a purpose a person looses its charm of living.
The second one is to have the right Attitude to do what someone feels like doing. To work for something without an attitude may lead to unexpected results. A person is known from its attitude which acts like a mirror in its surroundings.
The next one is Sharing. This quality is inherited within someone from the right environment. Without getting materialistic, it is a good habit to give what you can give to others when they are in needs without thinking that will this person help me in future or has he helped me in the past. Even if he or she had denied to help you in the past it is no way wrong to help someone
who is in need on the spur of the moment. Do not forget God does not give everyone the right to give.
The second S stands for Sensibility. This cannot be inculcated within someone, rather time has the power to provide you with this. Again this comes from experience.
I stands for Inclination to discover and rediscover oneself. A person learns every moment. If it ceases to learn it will become equivalent to a dead. One should find the hidden potential within
it and act accordingly to enhance it every moment.
O stands for Optimism. Crests and troughs are part of everyone's life. This no way means one should loose hopes of what he had dreamed to do. Rather the failure acts like an experience which counts really when u try it another time. This sounds easy to say that to implement it practically, but the real hero is he who stands against all barriers.
The last one is someway recursive, negation of Negativity. This sounds a bit like optimism, but it includes all the negative aspects of life. To define the 'negative' everybody in the earth has the capability. It happens that one feels something as negative, but is unable to get rid of that because it is so indulged or addicted to it. It depends on the individual to make itself mentally strong enough to fight the menace out. It is rubbish to give any excuse. It is only the individual who can ameliorate its own condition.
Well, one great person said, to do a certain task you need three important qualities. Ability to do that work, Concentration while doing that work and Desire to accomplish it. If someone is not able to do something it should calculate on what point he is lagging and it should never quit before giving enough try.
good one raju bhai
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